خدمات متميزة من أمازون للطلاب.
6 أشهر أمازون برايم مجانا تشمل خصومات وكتب وأكثر، وبنصف السعر عند التجديد اضغط هنا.
(PowerPoint, 1TB OneDrive, Word, Access, OneNote Excel) وباقي الشلة.
الحصول على حزمة أوفس 365 التعليمية مجانا، استخدام أونلاين فقط اضغط هنا.
عشرات البرامج في الهندسة والبناء وتصميم المنتج والتصنيع والإعلام والترفيه.
جميع البرامج مجانا طوال فترة الدراسة مثل: (AutoCad, 3D Max, Civil 3D, Tinkercad, Fusion360, Maya, Sketchbook) وغيرهم بلاوي اضغط هنا.
برامج تصميم وتعديل صور وفيديوهات وأصوات ورسوم متحركة وغيرها.
حزمة تشمل جميع برامج أدوبي بخصم 63% على الإشتراك الشهري (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro) وباقي الشلة اضغط هنا.
(Medical) A must-have evidence-based clinical resource to help make smart, safe patient care decisions.
سعر مخفّض على الاشتراك اضغط هنا.
(Medical) Mnemonic and visual learning platform for medical students.
خصم 20% على جميع الاشتراكات اضغط هنا.
(Medical) The VisualDx app is a diagnostic clinical decision support system which makes it easy to tackle challenging diagnosis through augmented thinking and timely visualization.
خصم 75% اضغط هنا.
(Medical) A tool that makes your mind more organized, enhances your recall ability, boosts your focus.
خصم 15% على الاشتراك السنوي اضغط هنا.
موقع وتطبيق وبرنامج ديسكتوب لتسجيل الملاحظات والمواعيد وترتيب الوقت.
احصل على نسخة برو مجانا اضغط هنا.
ملايين قوالب فيديوهات ومواقع، مؤثرات صوتية، عروض تقديمية، خطوط، صور، تصاميم وموارد تعليمية.
خصم 30% على الاشتراك الشهري والسنوي اضغط هنا.
تعليم إلكتروني في جميع المجالات عبر كورسات متكاملة.
احصل على كورس واحد كامل مجانا سنويا وعدد غير محدود من المشاريع الموجهة اضغط هنا.
أداة تساعدك في ترتيب يومك وتنظيمه عن طريق العديد من الميزات المقدمة.
خصم 25% على اشتراك بريميوم اضغط هنا.
مجموعة برامج لتصميم ومحاكاة مجسمات ثلاثية الأبعاد وتحريكها.
احصل على مجموعة البرامج مجانا فترة الدراسة (Actran, Adams, MSC Apex, Cradle CFD, Digimat, MSC Nastran with Patran, Marc) اضغط هنا.
للهندسة والتصميم الصناعي لصنع مجسمات 3D على الآيباد.
اشتراك برو مجانا لمدة 12 شهر تجدد سنويا اضغط هنا.
منصة التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني وإدارته وتصميمه عن طريق السحب والإفلات مع وجود قوالب جاهزة.
خصم 20% طوال فترة الدراسة اضغط هنا.
احفظ جميع كلمات المرور وجهات الاتصال في مكان واحد مع إمكانية توليد كلمة مرور قوية عشوائية.
خطة بريميوم مجانا لمدة 12 شهر اضغط هنا.
نظم تشغيل وخدمات سحابية وبرامج.
نظم تشغيل وبرامج ويندوز مجانا + 100$ رصيد في الخدمة السحابية اضغط هنا.
موقع وتطبيق لترتيب وتنظيم العمل على الخطط والمشاريع الجماعية.
خصم 50% على اشتراك Business Class وEnterprise اضغط هنا.
برنامج لعمل نموذج أولي لتصميم المواقع أو التطبيقات.
النسخة التعليمية مجانا مجانا لمدة 12 شهر تجدد سنويا اضغط هنا.
قم ببناء موقعك عن طريق قوالب جاهزة مع نطاق وشعار وأدوات تسويق إلكتروني عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
خصم 50% للسنة الأولى اضغط هنا.
تطبيق أخذ ملاحظات ويمتاز بسهولة استخدامه ومميزاته العديدة (يعمل على IOS فقط).
خصم يصل إلى 60% على اشتراك 6 أشهر اضغط هنا.
بيئة لتصميم واجهات المواقع وتطبيقات الموبايل لصنع نموذج أولي والتعاون مع مصممين آخرين.
خصم 50% على الخطة المدفوعة اضغط هنا.
بيئة لتصميم واجهات المواقع وتطبيقات الموبايل لصنع نموذج أولي والتعاون مع مصممين آخرين.
احصل على خطة برو مجانا اضغط هنا.
موقع لقراءة مقالات عن مجالات كثيرة مثل البيزنس والاقتصاد والتكنولوجيا والحياة والأخبار وغيرهم.
خصم يصل إلى 80% على الاشتراك اضغط هنا.
قم بحفظ مقتطفات نصية طويلة تستعملها كثيرا وقم باستدعائها عن طريق اختصار قصير لحفظ الوقت.
خصم 30% على اشتراك الخطة الفردية اضغط هنا.
موقع لإنشاء الهيكل الخارجي لموقعك او تطبيقك.
خصم 30% على خطة برو، استخدم برومو كود IAMSTUDENT قبل الدفع اضغط هنا.
أداة حديثة لمعالجة جداول وقواعد البيانات بطريقة عصرية.
خطة برو مجانا طوال فترة الدراسة، وخصم 80% على الخطط الاخرى اضغط هنا.
موقع وتطبيق لحل مسائل الرياضيات والعلوم والهندسة والاقتصاد الغذاء وغيرها باستخدام الذكاء الحسابي.
خصم 13% على خطة برو السنوية، وخصم 20% على خطة بريميوم السنوية اضغط هنا.
مجموعة أدوات للتخطيط والتنظيم والترتيب وإدارة المهام لأجهزة أبل والويب.
خصومات خاصة بالطلاب اضغط هنا.
مركز تعاون يجمع الاشخاص والمعلومات والادوات معا لانجاز العمل.
خصم 85% على خطة برو وخطة البيزنيس اضغط هنا.
اصنع الاستبيان الخاص بك عن طريق السحب والافلات، او اختر من القوالب الجاهزة، واستعرض نتائجها.
خطة بلس مجانا لمدة سنة قابلة للتجديد اضغط هنا.
محرك بحث عن الأجهزة المتصلة بالإنترنت.
احصل على خطة المستقل مجانا عن طريق إنشاء حساب بالايميل التعليمي اضغط هنا.
Bitbucket is Git repository management which is specially developed for professional teams.
A free Bitbucket Cloud subscription Press here.
AccessLint brings automated web accessibility testing into your development workflow.
Unlimited use for public and private repositories while you are a student Press here.
Hosted search API that provides support from front end to back end frameworks and libraries.
100k records and 1 million operations, valid for 1 year Press here.
Security suite for your website - firewall, malware scanner & managed bug bounty platform.
6 month access to website firewall & malware scanner Press here.
Better Code Hub provides a definition of done for code quality and actionable refactoring feedback for every push and pull request.
A free upgrade to an Individual license to analyse your personal private repos Press here.
Connect to the world of blockchains through Blockchair’s professional APIs — supports most major cryptocurrencies.
100,000 free requests Press here.
Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.
A free license for Bootstrap Studio while you are a student Press here.
Test your web apps with BrowserStack's Real Device Cloud, which gives you instant access to 2000+ browsers and real iOS and Android devices.
Free Automate Mobile Plan for 1 parallel and 1 user for 1 year Press here.
An open and powerful platform for spatial data analysis, visualization, and application creation.
Free account upgrades with increased database storage, real time data, Location Data Services Credits, and premium features for 2 years Press here.
Your cloud journey starts here.
You can benefit with no-cost, at-home learning opportunities through AWS Educate Cloud Career Pathways and specialty badges, and online workshops and webinars to help you continue to build cloud skills Press here.
A powerful visualization tool that uses Predictive Analytics to identify social patterns in your code, detect delivery risks and manage technical debt.
A free Student account to analyze private GitHub repositories Press here.
Learn feature flags with the industry leading feature flag service.
1000 feature flags, ∞ users for free Press here.
Join an exclusive developer community and learn Full Stack web-development with no long-term commitments.
One free month of Covalence's Atomic Plan Press here.
We help you deliver code confidently by showing which parts of your code aren’t covered by your test suite.
Free coverage for unlimited private repos on your personal account Press here.
Crowdin is a cloud-based solution that streamlines localization management.
Bronze plan for 1 year Press here.
License and sell your software securely.
10 licenses and any number of end-users for free for students Press here.
Live chat, behavioural funnels, newsletters, and in-app surveys for SaaS
Customerly Pro free for 6 months Press here.
DataCamp helps companies and individuals make better use of data. Our users build data fluency while learning from the world’s top data scientists.
Free 3-month individual subscription for students Press here.
Cloud-based infrastructure monitoring.
Pro Account, including 10 servers. Free for 2 years Press here.
New Relic is an observability platform that helps fully understand how to improve your software.
Free New Relic while you are a student. ($300/month value) Press here.
DeepScan is a platform for building better and more reliable JavaScript apps.
Free 6-month trial while you are a student Press here.
Static code analyzer for Python and Go. Detect bug risks, anti-patterns and security vulnerabilities.
Free Pro subscription for students Press here.
Level up on trending coding skills at your own pace with interactive, text-based courses.
Get 6 free months of 60+ courses covering in-demand topics like Web Development, Python, Java, and Machine Learning Press here.
Boost your database performance by automatically optimizing your SQL queries.
Free 6-month subscription to the Basic plan Press here.
Advance your skills with in-depth JavaScript, Node.js & front-end engineering courses.
Free 6-months access to all courses and workshops Press here.
Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management.
Free GitHub Pro while you are a student Press here.
GitHub Campus Experts are students who build technical communities on campus, with training and support from GitHub.
Apply to become part of the program while you’re a student Press here.
Reduces frustration and makes Git and GitHub workflows more approachable.
Open Source by GitHub, free for everyone Press here.
GitKraken Pro Suite: cross-platform Git GUI, Kanban Boards for issue/task tracking, and Timelines for project planning.
Access to Pro versions of GitKraken Git GUI, GitKraken Boards and GitKraken Timelines while you're a student Press here.
An online IDE for GitHub that provides a complete dev environment with a single click.
Free personal plan subscription for six months for students Press here.
Tutorials for web developers learning Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Turbolinks, Stimulus.js, Vue.js, and more.
Free access to all videos and lessons for 12 months Press here.
Powerful Git client for iPhone & iPad.
All Pro features for free while you are a student Press here.
The web developer's secret weapon: exception, uptime, and cron monitoring that's so awesome, you'll wish your site had more errors.
Free Small account for 1 year Press here.
Imgbot is a GitHub App that automatically optimizes your images.
Free image optimization for all your public and private projects while you are a student Press here.
Interview Cake makes coding interviews a piece of cake with practice questions, data structures and algorithms reference pages, cheat sheets, and more.
Access to the full coding interview prep course for 3 weeks Press here.
Professional desktop IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and more.
A free subscription for students, to be renewed annually Press here.
Kaltura VPaaS simplifies building smart, interactive VOD, Live and real-time video experiences and apps at global scale.
$10K/year in Kaltura VPaaS credits while you are a student Press here.
Perform automated and live interactive cross browser testing on 2000+ real browsers and operating systems online.
Free LambdaTest Live Plan for one year Press here.
Log management platform that offers aggregation, monitoring, and analysis of server and application logs at any volume, from any source.
Up to 50 GB/month of log storage with 14 day retention for one year Press here.
Powerful APIs that enable you to send, receive and track email effortlessly.
20,000 free emails and 100 free email validations each month for up to 12 months Press here.
A general purpose, document-based, distributed database built for modern application developers and for the cloud era.
200$ in MongoDB Atlas Credits, plus access to MongoDB Compass and MongoDB University including free certification Press here.
A cost-effective and integrated Licensing-as-a-Service (LaaS) solution for your software on any platform from Desktop to IoT and SaaS.
Basic Plan for free while you are a student Press here.
Turnkey data centre services for the hosting of critical IT infrastructure systems.
Free single unit server colocation package free for 12 months Press here.
Learn tech skills and build software directly from your browser with real, online computing environments.
Free access to all interactive courses and cloud computing environments for 12 months Press here.
Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python in just 30 days!
Free 30-day One Month subscription Press here.
A server for your static websites and HTML forms.
Free basic plan while you are a student Press here.
A cloud-based translation management system built to accelerate the development of multilingual digital products.
Phrase Lite Plan free for up to 12 months for students Press here.
POEditor is a highly scalable localization management platform for teams.
Plus Plan for free for one year Press here.
A powerful browser and developer tool that lets developers and designers make better websites and web apps in less time.
Polypane free for 1 year Press here.
Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team — write queries, visualize data, and share your results.
Free Premium subscription for PopSQL while you're a student Press here.
The easiest way to engage your mobile & web app users via push notifications.
Free Premium account for 6 months Press here.
Error, crash and performance monitoring for web and mobile apps.
Startup Platform plan, free for one year Press here.
An online IDE that lets you instantly code in over fifty languages. Start learning, building, collaborating and hosting all in one place.
Hacker plan, includes unlimited private repls and multiplayer invites. Free for six months Press here.
With Restyled, automatically re-format Pull Requests to have consistent style.
Run Restyled for free on private repositories while you're a student Press here.
Scrapinghub's Scrapy Cloud is a battle-tested cloud platform for running web crawlers. Manage and automate your web spiders at scale.
1 Free Forever Scrapy Cloud Unit - unlimited team members, projects or requests. Unlimited crawl time and 120 day data retention Press here.
Track errors in every language, framework, and library.
500,000 events/month with unlimited projects and members while you're a student Press here.
Maximize your engineering team's productivity by automatically analyzing every pull request.
Sider Standard Plan free while you are a student Press here.
SOFY automates your software testing, uses machine learning to create tests, suggests test scenarios based on product changes, customer usage data and runs at scale.
6 months of free website and mobile app testing Press here.
Simple but powerful IDE for multiple SQL databases.
Access to most Standard Subscription features for 1 year Press here.
Productivity plugin for SQL Server Management Studio for writing maintainable SQL scripts and faster navigation.
Free standard license for students Press here.
Web and mobile payments, built for developers.
Waived transaction fees on first $1000 in revenue processed Press here.
Master Symfony and PHP with video tutorials and code challenges.
Free 3-month subscription for students Press here.
SSH client that works on desktop and mobile. Termius securely syncs data across all your devices.
Free access to the Premium plan while you're a student Press here.
Get unlimited email addresses and mailboxes for automating email tests with our powerful APIs.
Free Essential plan while you're a student Press here.
Neve’s mobile-first approach, compatibility with AMP and popular page-builders makes website building accessible for everyone.
Free year of Neve Agency WordPress theme exclusively for students Press here.
Learn Fundamentals of Web Development to launch your career as a developer.
1 month of access to a web development course Press here.
The Git client that brings all of Git and GitHub's power to the desktop, for Mac and Windows.
Free Pro account for 1 year Press here.
Localization platform that easily integrates with your code base.
Free 6-month subscription to the Starter plan Press here.
A versatile uploading & encoding API to automate any file conversion.
The Startup plan for free, including 10GB of encoding credit Press here.
Continuous integration platform for open source and private projects
Private builds for free while you're a student Press here.
Twilio is a developer platform for communications. Software teams use Twilio APIs to add capabilities like voice, video, and messaging to their applications.
50$ in Twilio API credits and exclusive in-game items in TwilioQuest Press here.
Accomplish your creative goals using the world’s leading real-time development platform, used to create half of the world’s game.
Unity Student Plan free while you are a student Press here.
Best open source Java framework for building Progressive Web Applications.
Free Pro subscription license to access the commercial components and tools Press here.
Build powerful web applications in Visual Studio with C# or VB.NET.
Free Wisej Developer license plus free updates for a year Press here.
Codecov makes it easy to implement code coverage to develop healthier code
Free access to Codecov on public and private repositories. Press here.
(اللهم إن كان سحرا فأبطله) An integrated modelling environment for the specification and development of reactive, event-driven systems based on the concept of state machines.
Yakindu Professional Edition free for 1 year Press here.